Российского центра науки и культуры в Любляне

rczk128 ноября в Большом зале РЦНК состоялся концерт замечательных музыкантов: словенского пианиста, выпускника Московской консерватории имени П.И.Чайковского – Эрика Шулера и оперной певицы из Македонии Веры Даниловой, получившей образование в лучших оперных школах России и Италии.

В исполнении Веры Даниловой под аккомпанемент Эрика Шулера прозвучали не только известные романсы великого русского музыканта Сергея Рахманинова: «Здесь хорошо», «Маргаритки» и др., а также песни и романсы австрийского композитора словенского происхождения Гуго Вольфа (1860-1903). Пианист Эрик Шулер проникновенно исполнил гениальный рахманиновский «Вокализ».

Зрители тепло приняли выступление молодых талантливых музыкантов.


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Ars Brdo – Concert of the Slovenian Police Orchestra, Grandis Hall, Brdo

“Vera DANILOVA proved herself as a completely confident interpreter of soprano coloratura roles…Her interpretation and diction in different (original) languages have showed us again, that in front of us we have a young artist, a singer of a great format.”

Franc KRIŽNAR, Gorenjski glas


” »Bravo« ! was herd in the overloaded Grandis hall on saturday during the exclusive concert of the slovenian Police orchestra. The soprano Vera DANILOVA sang Rosina’s aria from the Rossini’s Barbiere di Siviglia and her vocal range overflowed the hall and touched the audience.”

M. K. www.brdo.si

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W. A. Mozart: Der Schauspieldirektor, Slovenian Chamber Music Theatre

Mozart---Der-Schauspieldirektor-7“The sopranos Vera DANILOVA (Sophie Uhlich) and Rebeka Radovan (Aloysia Lange) were indeed primadonas, in the singing duel vocally (Danilova with her high notes) and by character (also visually) very contrasted.”



“As highlights of the performance were the two singers, rivals, primadonas, who are perfect in the scene of the singing duel ( Vera DANILOVA, R.R.).”

Bogdan UČAKAR, Večer

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Concert of the Antic and Baroque arias, St Florijan church

“Vera DANILOVA finished her study at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Music. In the first third her recital seemed to be under the influence of study classes. However, in one hour program, continuously without a break, the recital developed into a pillar of artistic future. Her capability to live for the music moment is effective like unstopping shimmer – the voice is extremely flexible at the »coloraturas« and strong at the high notes. The brightly exalted Alleluia from Mozart’s Exsultate jubilate seems to be written on her skin.”


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Orff, Carmina Burana – Galusova dvorana, Cankarjev dom

“… and the young Macedonian soprano Vera Danilova was tenderly enthralling, so incredible was the sensibility of her singing, so soft and splendid her nuancing even in higher positions and fortissimo, so warm and relaxed was her voice. How could anyone doubt that Amor flies everywhere (Amor Volat Undique)? The performance of the young singer, especially with the culmination of soprano line in Tempus Est Iocondum, offered an experience of music as an art of a noble Eros, an art of pure musical sensuality.”

Gregor PIRŠ, Delo

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Koncert: H. Wolf – S.V.Rachmaninoff – Ruski center znanosti in kulture v Ljubljani RCZK

rczk228. novembra je v Veliki dvorani RCZK potekal koncert izjemnih glasbenikov: slovenskega pianista, ki je končal študij na Moskovskem državnem konservatoriju Petra Ilijiča Čajkovskega, Erika Šulerja in operne pevke iz Makedonije Vere Danilove, ki se je izobraževala v najboljših opernih šolah v Rusiji in Italiji.

Vera Danilova je ob klavirski spremljavi Erika Šulerja zapela romance velikega ruskega skladatelja Sergeja Rahmaninova »Tu je lepo«, »Marjetice« in druge ter pesmi in romance avstrijskega skladatelja s slovenskimi koreninami Huga Wolfa (1860-1903). Erik Šuler je odlično zaigral mojstrovino skladatelja Rahmanina »Vocalise«.

Gledalci so z navdušenjem spremljali nastop mladih in nadarjenih glasbenikov.


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